Once again, thank you for your continual support, Birgit.

Various Composers - Violino òver Cornetto (Seicento Stravagante)


  1. Dario Castello - Sonate concertate in stil moderno, libro secondo: Sonata quarta
  2. Giovanni Legrenzi - Sonate a due e a tre libro primo opera seconda: La Strasolda (a due violini)
  3. Giuseppe Scarani - Sonate concertate a due e tre voci: libro primo; opera prima: Sonata sesta a due soprani sopra Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La
  4. Girolamo Frescobaldi - Il primo libro delle canzoni ad una, due, trè, e quattro voci: Toccata per Spinettina, è Violino
  5. Giovanni Battista Buonamente - Sonate e Canzoni a 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 voci libro VI: Sonata quinta a 2
  6. Ercole Pasquini - Toccata prima
  7. Serafino Patta - Il secondo libro de concerti a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 voci e organo: Canzon Francese "La Lampugnana"
  8. Tarquinio Merula - Canzoni overo sonate concertate per chiesa e camera, Op. 12: La Gallina (canzon à 2)
  9. Gioseppe Giamberti - Duo tessuti con diversi solfeggiamenti scherzi: Cucù
  10. Marco Uccellini - Sonate, arie et correnti, Op. 3: Aria nona à 3 "L'Emenfrodito", "Maritati insieme la Gallina, e'l Cucco fanno un bel concerto"
  11. Francesco Usper Sponga - Ricercari et arie francesi: Ricercar ottavo
  12. Gabriele Usper Sponga - Messa, e Salmi da concertarsi nel’Organo: Sinfonia (à doi Violini)
  13. Biagio Marini - Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, passe’mezzi, baletti, corenti, gagliarde e retornelli, Op. 8: Sonata quinta (per doi Violini o Cornetti)
  14. Giovanni Battista Buonamente - Varie sonate, libro IV: Sonata Decima sopra "Cavaletto zoppo"

Seicento Stravagante
    David Brutti, cornetto & cornetto muto
    Nicola Lamon, organ & harpsichord
    Rossella Croce, baroque violin
Nicola Gandolfo, organ

Date: 2025
Label: BIS

In the sixteenth century, the quality of a 'civil conversation' was a topic of great interest, both within learned academies and in the verbal games of convivial banquets. As musical virtuosi learned how to 'speak' through their instruments, it was only natural that they would also begin to 'converse'. After a much-acclaimed release in 2023, Seicento Stravagante give us another example of musical conversation, this time between three musicians. In works by thirteen Italian composers from the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the musicians of Seicento Stravagante, recreate the extravagance of early baroque music, when composers wove many individual 'voices' (whether vocal or instrumental) into a harmonious whole. While the compositions could often be played on instruments of various kinds, it was on the violin and cornetto that they could shine most brightly, and the two instruments developed an increasingly close relationship, to the point that they were virtually interchangeable. This recording allows us to appreciate the subtle blend of colours of these two instruments and the richness of Italian instrumental music of the period.

High Resolution 24-bit / 44.1 kHz